Maybe today’s headline is a little over the top! 😉 But „Ripples“ users have to get used to a new name: „wellwasser® bluescreen“!
Download Snow3 1.5.0
With very big images (e.g. 2560×1920 pixel) we could reproduce (thanks for your help, rainer!) a bug which produces black screens.
A few days ago I was searching for a small CMS that could make it easier for me to maintain my website.
It seems that some MP3 files cause trouble with Ripples. Therefore I made a fix-release that solves the problems.
On the end of my holidays the current version of Ripples (1.1.0) arrived. In the next time there will be no further development on Ripples, only bugfixes. But in a few weeks or months I’ll be back with a completely… Weiterlesen →
Download Ripples 1.0.1 Version history: New: The size of background images is now adjustable (50-100%, only with proportional display) // Now you can adjust a randomized change of the background image while running (Change after 1-999 sec.) // Smooth… Weiterlesen →
Ripples is back and turns 1.0, of course Ripples is loaded with lots of new features.
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